Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Decoratively Fashionable

Japanese Culture never cease to amaze me with their weirdness in a quite good way. Last time, Gyaru was the first topic I discussed that refers to Japanese Street Fashion. This time we will have a better view of what "Decora" is all about. 

Decora Kei

Decora Kei

The word decora comes from the word decoration and kei is a japanese word which means "style". This style originated from the world's fashion capital, Japan. It was around in early 1990's when Decora started in Harajuku. Decora's main objective is to have that child-like look with the use of vibrant and lively colors in clothing, accessories and make-up. 

Decora evolved through time and to date there are 4 different styles under this fashion. 

  • Casual Decora- this style are more colorful than any other sub style of Decora. 
  • Casual Decora
  • Pink Decora- as the name suggests, this style is mostly of pink ensemble
    Pink Decora
  • Dark Decora Koteosa- limited or mostly a combination of black, white and red, this style is the "dark" version of decora. decorated with black, white, and red accessories
  • Koteosa "Dark Decora"
  • Decololi- also known as decora lolita. Clothing is based on Lolita rules and accessorized following Decora kei
  • Decololi "Decora Lolita"

Decora's hairstyle and make up aren't that complicated. What makes it more interesting in this fashion style is to be overly accessorized with kiddie accessorize. 

to know more about it: 

Decora's Handbook

Now, I wonder what shall I wear on Saturday for Anigumi Joukai's J-Fashion day!

***disclaimer: photos are not owned by me. these were found in the worldwide web


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