Saturday, October 17, 2015

Conquered: Mt Manalmon & Mt Gola (twin day hike)

Never estimate a mountain. That's definitely the very thing I have learned on my fifth mountain.  On the third weekend of June, I organized a twin day hike, Mt Manalmon and Mt Gola. These two little giants are located in Bulacan, one of the provinces in Central Luzon. These two mountains are part of the protected area of Biak a Bato National Park. 

Mt Manalmon is at 15°9'46" N 121°5'27" E  and is 196+MaSL; Mt Gola is at 15°9'49" N 121°5'38" E  and is 192+ MaSL. With their given heights, Manalmon is a little bit taller than Gola. 

Board a bus bound to Cabanatuan in Cubao or in Pasay. Tell the conductor that you want to be dropped off in Kamias, San Miguel. When you reach Kamias, there are tricycles available. It can accommodate 3-4 persons. On normal occasions, the drivers will be the one approaching you to ask if you want to go to Manalmon/Madlum. The bus ride is around 2-2 1/2 hours while the tricycle ride is around 30-45 minutes. 

Jump off, vantage point from the bridge
From the area where the tricycle drops you off, cross the bridge and go directly to a the small convenient store facing the river. This is where you will register and get a guide. 
"Let's cross the bridge when we get there"

Mt Manalmon and Mt Gola are easy climb and definitely good for beginners. With the difficulty of 2/9 and class trail 1-2, first timers can easily hike to the summit without much complains. 
After registering and securing a guide, you are now ready to start the hike. The trail is well paved and easy to track. It is neither steep or too assault. My friends and I even labeled it as a chill climb. 
Crossing Madlum River

Vantage Point over Madlum River
Jump Shot on Mt Manalmon

Mandatory Summit Selfie of Mt. Manalmon
On my left is the lesser giant, Mt Gola

At Mt. Gola
Side Trips

Monkey Bridge

It was just in early 2014 when the bridge was built for easier access across Madlum River. Prior to this, The locals use "balsa" to cross the river. On days that the river current is strong, The people here use the monkey bridge to get across Madlum River.  (If anyone of you seen the TV advertisement of Bear Brand, this is where it was shot. The story was also based from one of the locals.)

Selfie in the Monkey Bridge

Our guide snapshot while I am getting my own selfie
Madlum River is known as a killer river. It has claimed a lot of lives because of its strong current. Fret not. As long as you follow safety measures, swimming in the river is fun. The gorge between Gola and Manalmon is a good spot for swimming aside from the river you see in the jump off. 

This side of Rizal has lot to offer in terms of spelunking. Over hundreds of caves are in the area. Additional fee is applicable if you opt for caving adventures. Spelunking activity usually last 2-3 hours, that depends on the group's pace.

Along with my co-mountaineers 

The bridge that link the two river beds.
Home bound
Suggested Itinerary
04:00  ETD from Cubao Terminal, Cabanatuan Bound
06:00  ETA Kamias, Ride Tricycle to Brgy. Madlum
06:45  ETA at Brgy Madlum, Registration at Jump off
07:00  Start hike for Mt. Manalmon
08:00  Summit of Mt Manalmon, Photo Ops
08:30  Start Descend, traverse for Mt. Gola
08:45  River Crossing, Reached Madlum River
09:45  Summit of Mt Gola

10:15  Start Descend, Back to Jump off via river bed
11:30 Back at the Jump off
12:00 Lunch
*** optional activity
Spelunking, Crossing Monkey Bridge or River Swimming
15:00 ETD from Brgy Madlum, Tricycle bound to highway
16:00 Bus Bound to Manila
18:00 Cubao

***tip: Finish all activity before 3pm. You should be on the road back to Metro Manila already. Riding a bus ride is a challenge. 

P 145 *2 bus far, round trip
P 200  One tricycle ride, can be divided into 4
P 5      Registration
P 300  guide per summit. (P600 for twin hike) guide can accommodate up to 10pax
           It is mandatory to get a guide even if it is an easy climb.
***optional activity
P600  overnight
P200   Spelunking good for 5 pax

Blogger's Note
The more the merrier and the more is less expensive. It is better that the group is divisble by 3's.

P.S. All photos used were owned by the blogger unless stated otherwise. Photos are taken with Nikon D5100 and Sony Action Cam. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi can I join u on ur next hikes and adventures out of town?
